Includ-EU briefings
Funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund of the European Union, Includ-EU aims to contribute to building more inclusive and cohesive European societies bringing together local and regional authorities committed to the inclusion of migrants in Greece, Italy, Romania, Slovenia, Spain and the Netherlands.
One of Includ-EU’s specific objectives is to enhance local and regional actors’ knowledge and capacities to implement innovative integration measures, including through the analysis of existing good practices and the formulation of thematic policy recommendations.
In line with this, Includ-EU developed five thematic policy briefings presenting the state of Third Country Nationals’ integration in key priority areas in Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovenia and Spain.
The policy briefs focus on possible implications for broader action and provide policy recommendations on how to improve these aspects further. They also examine existing good practices contributing to the five thematic priorities as outlined by the EU Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021-27: labour inclusion, education, health care, housing and fostering encounters with host communities.
They are the result of a collaborative mapping process of successful multi-stakeholder, multi-level, and public-private partnerships in the different dimensions of Third Country Nationals’ inclusion in Includ-EU target countries.
The right to adequate and affordable housing is recognised in several international human rights law instruments as a fundamental right. Ensuring access to housing is a core component of integration policies targeting third country nationals.
This briefing analyses the housing context for migrants in Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovenia and Spain, focusing on possible implications for their integration prospects. It also presents innovative practices contributing towards improving access to adequate and affordable housing for third country nationals and issues recommendations to policy makers on holistic housing policies for migrants in the EU.
Access to education is a human right and, as such, it should be upheld regardless of economic or legal status. Importantly, international law acknowledges that the value of participation in education goes beyond the strictly material learning aspect. Education, in fact, is an empowerment right, which enables all individuals to become active members of society and promotes mutual understanding and respect.
This briefing analyses the state of migrants' education access and participation in Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovenia and Spain, focusing on possible implications for social inclusion. It also presents innovative practices contributing towards improving access to education for third country nationals and issues recommendations to policy makers on inclusive education policies in the EU.
Fostering participation and encounters with host societies
Political, social, and cultural participation in society is an integral part of truly achieved inclusion. Participation in public and social life and encounters with host societies also improve democratic legitimacy, policy-effectiveness and bring down stereotypes, thereby contributing to social cohesion.
This briefing analyses the the state of third country nationals' political and social participation in Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovenia and Spain, focusing on possible implications for broader inclusion. It also presents innovative practices contributing towards improving third country nationals' participation and exchange with host societies and issues recommendations to policy makers on how to remove barriers to meaningful migrants' engagement in the EU.
Labour market inclusion
The right to work is a fundamental right of all persons for the realization of other economic and social rights. It is an essential condition to find decent accommodation and become part of the host country's economic and social life, while also being instrumental to meeting labour needs of host societies and their welfare system sustainability.
This briefing analyses the state of third country nationals' labour inclusion in Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovenia and Spain, focusing on possible implications for broader action. It also presents innovative practices contributing to migrants' labour market access and skills recognition and issues recommendations to policy makers on how to improve these aspects further.
Access to healthcare
Access to healthcare under conditions of non-discrimination and universality is a fundamental right of every person. Guaranteeing good health and well-being is crucial to tackle widening inequalities, rapid urbanisation, climate change, and global health challenges.
This briefing analyses the state of migrants' access to healthcare in Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovenia and Spain, focusing on possible implications for broader inclusion. It also presents innovative practices contributing towards fulfilling Third Country Nationals’ rights to health and issues recommendations to policy makers on inclusive healthcare policies for migrants in the EU.
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